Adjustable Load Needle Assembly For Zenith Carburetors
Lower Foot Throttle Spring
Adjustable Load Nozzle Assembly For Zenith Carburetors With End Mounted Load Nozzle Or Solenoid
Single Induction 'Late' Carburetor Hardware Kit (no jets or nozzles included)
Upper Foot Throttle Spring
Single Induction Early Carb Hardware Kit (No Jets Or Nozzles Included)
Distributor Coil Bracket (Mounts To Fan Shaft)
Carburetor Bowl Nut
Steering Wheel Shaft Bushing
Brake Return Spring
Brake Lock Spring
Chrome Metal Hood Ornament
Crank Handle Lock (For 3 point Adjustable Upright)
Clutch Lever Pivot Bolt
Seat Cushion Set
Rubber Bumper (For Hood)
Clutch Pulley Cover Retaining Spring With Rivet
Clutch Disc Adjusting Spring
Steering Wheel Nut
Oil Seal (For Brakes)
Gasket (For Brakes)
Combination Switch