Magneto Coil for Wico C
Oil Pressure Gauge (0-25 PSI) - Dash mounted, White Face
Water Temperature Gauge, 48" lead
Water Temperature Gauge
Ignition Key (Split Type)
Tachometer With Red Needle
Steering Wheel
Tachometer Knob
Tachometer With White Needle
Throttle Shaft
Carburetor Gasket Kit
Carburetor Choke Shaft And Lever
Exhaust Pipe
Exhaust Pipe Clamp
Seat Pan Channel
PTO Shaft Oil Seal Housing
Battery Hold Down Clamp
Toplink to tractor 'S' Hook, 'Transport Hook'
Radiator Core Bolt Kit
Front Engine Side Shield, left hand
2 Piece Hydraulic Lever Guide Kit
Front Engine Side Shield, right hand
Brake Return Spring
540 rpm PTO Drive Gear -- fits many JD New Generation models, including 3020 and 4020
Carburetor Bowl Nut Spring (Marvel Schebler)
Lower Radiator Water Pipe
Clutch Pedal Return Spring